Simple Level
It is said that there is a simple level card counting system when the cards are 1 or -1. 10 and Aces are -1, 2 to 6 count 1. The higher the count at a table, the better the statistical prospects for the player in front of the current pick. Hi-Lo counting is the easiest card counting technique in blackjack. Other simple level counts are the Uston Advanced Plus/Minus and the Hi-Opt1.
The Uston Advanced Plus/Minus is the same as Hi-Lo, but here 2, 8 and 9 have 0. This system helps little in the identification of opportunities.
On the Hi-Opt, beyond 2, 8 and 9, The Ace and 7 are also 0. With this system of counting cards in blackjack it is more difficult to detect card counters, but it is even more difficult to separate aces during counting when there is more than one game.
A Multi-Level
Multiple level card counting systems assign different values to the cards. In addition to -1, 0 and 1, they can also weigh 2 and -2. It is more difficult to control, but the information obtained is more reliable for the blackjack player. The player has more data to decide when to draw cards, stay or double the BET, and how much to bet, so this additional information turns the game statistics to his advantage. This makes the difference between winning a lot or a little (see losing).There are also multi-level counts like Zen and Omega II that are very complex for the amateur blackjack meter.
The Zen count gives 2 points at 4, 5 and 6. 1 point 2, 3 and 7. 8 and 9 are 0, and Aces are -1. The 10 is -2. In the counting of Zen cards it is very difficult to keep track.
The Omega II count only varies from Zen by assigning 0 to Aces and -1 to 9. The Problem With Omega II is more low-efficiency betting.
Use a multi-level card counting system only if you have practiced it a lot and feel comfortable enough with using this method.
How do I know what the counting system is for me?
To find out which Blackjack card counting system is best for you, consider the following categories:
Balanced / unbalanced: in the first case, the natural sum of the deck of Cards is 0. When it is unbalanced, the sum is greater than 0. Unbalanced card counting systems are easier to remember and use, but the balanced method is the most reliable.
As negative / neutral As: some systems count As As 0 and others as negative. This last method is best for blackjack sessions with multiple card games.
Level: the lower the level, the simpler is the card counting system. But the higher levels provide more information. Some levels even require a photographic memory and a computer's ability to compute.
Single game and multiple card games
The more card games we use, the more difficult it will be to count Blackjack cards. In a single game there are 16 cards out of 52 worth 10. In four card sets, 64 of the 208 Cards are worth 10, which makes counting cards more difficult. But not impossible, if you focus. But when it comes to eight games in which 128 of the 416 Cards are worth 10, then it is the case to think about giving up and leave these calculus to the professional card counters.If you want to count Blackjack cards, start with a table where there is the minimum number of card games possible.
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